Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Weather Report

Corvallis temperatures today: 97*F

Newport coast temperatures today: 62*F.

What a difference 50 miles makes!

The boys and I headed over the mountains today to escape the heat. It was fun, though not exactly what I expected. It was incredibly foggy at the coast today, so much so that we didn’t see the ocean itself until we were just about standing in it. Pretty chilly too. That didn’t stop Asher from lovin’ the ankle-deep stream running parallel to the beach though ;-)

1 comment:

Sarah Hastings said...

Looks like tons of fun, y'all have been busy lately! Poor Ashers head, that would be so scary, I don't do well with blood on my babies. So I like the Atlantic more than the Pacific because it is warm! I have only been to California a couple times (and never to washington or Oregon) but the water in California is freezing! Everyone swims like it is warm and I am always shivering. The water out on this coast is sooooo warm! It feels like bathtub water, I could swim in it forever so that's why I like it.