Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bunch O' Pictures

I've got a hodge-podge of pictures I wanted to post.

This first one was taken during Asher's first solid food feeding. He didn't put on the show of funny faces like Brennan did. He just ate the stuff like he'd been eating it forever.

Like father, like son. Brennan got his "computer" so he could do his "homework" on the bed like Daddy. Then when lunch was ready I let him eat on the bed too. (I figured it was about time to change the sheets anyway)

Yesterday Asher and I walked over to the store. Brian and I thought he looked very sweet in the stroller.

This is from the 4th of July. Our and my Parent's wards had a pancake breakfast. Afterwards most of the kids went to play on the playground at the park that borders our church building.


Sarah Hastings said...

Looks like you had fun!! I love the pictures, your boys are soooo cute!

Kelly said...

Brennan looks so old in the slide photo. And Asher is getting more handsome by the minute! CUTE!!!