Wednesday, December 30, 2009

6th Anniversary

This last year of marriage has been as wonderful as the first 5. I’m so thankful for Brian and his goodness. I’m thankful for both of our parents for their examples of successful marriage relationships, and I’m thankful for our little boys who somehow manage to drive us crazy but humble us with their sweetness and hilarity at the same time.

Our anniversary this year has been… just a regular day really, since Brian had to work at the restaurant tonight. We did give each other cards and a VERY simple gift each, and that’s about it. We’ll go out Friday night thanks to Devon’s kindness in volunteering to babysit.

Brian and I enjoy picking out that “perfect” card for each other. I had to show Brian’s card to me this year. I laughed when I got it. Also, if you’re a Brian Regan fan, you’ll get the inside joke of this card. (See video clip below) Love you Brian!

Brian Regan - Greeting Cards
Joke of the Day Stand-Up Comedy Free Online Games

1 comment:

Bonnie-Jean said...

At least you're not feeling 'blank inside' :)
"You can do it!" "Take luck".... okay, anyway, Happy Anniversary! :)