...to Blackfoot, Idaho. Located in Eastern Idaho, Blackfoot is a small, but homey community. A great place to raise a family.

This move came as quite a surprise to many, especially our Bishopric who had no notice of this impromtu relocation. The surprise was greatest however, for Brian and I, for we had no plans to move to Blackfoot.
It all started Saturday evening as Brian was working on the Corvallis 2nd Ward bulletin. When he tried to log in to our stake website on LDS.org, he found himself sent to Groveland 2nd Ward in the Blackfood Idaho Stake. He asked me to try logging in, and sure enough, I was also in the Groveland 2nd ward. Brian didn't mention it when he emailed the bulletin to the Bishop for review, but the Bishop responded, "So it looks like you haven't moved to Blackfoot." Our Bishopric had already received word that our records had been requested and sent.
This evening I got a call from the Ward Clerk in Groveland who sounded quite mystified... he told me that our records had shown up, but there was no address (which it sounds like does not usually occur). I told him that we don't know what happened, but that we're actually in Oregon. He was like, "Ohhh, so you're still there?"
I did eventually explain to him that we are not even intending a move to Blackfoot. He responded, "Oh, o.k. I was thinking, 'why would they move from Oregon to Blackfoot where the winters are like this?'" He also told me that he has a child (or two) in Corvallis and when he saw our records arrive he had been excited to tell them of our move from there.

We've had some good laughs over this though. Over the weekend we joked about whether we were going to be read in to our new ward, and if we would be extended callings. We joked that that means we must by default be released from our Corvallis callings. Yesterday was our LAST 9 a.m. church meeting time until 2011, and as we struggled out of bed, we almost convinced ourselves that surely we didn't need to go since technically, it wasn't even our ward anymore! =-) No one seems to know how this happened, but it's been interesting.

I just want to say that I'll miss you. :-) I hear Blackfoot is nice this time of year....all that snow. (name the movie!!)
I know I know!
LOL....'nuff said. :)
"IIIIIIII'm dreeeeeaming, of a whiiiiiiite Christmas..."
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