Friday, January 2, 2009

Asher learned to walk at Granna's house

I know, I still need to write about Christmas and such, but I just couldn't resist skipping to this first. My kids always pick up new skills when we visit Granna and Grandpa Stevenson's. There'r two rooms in the house which are sunken by carpeted steps that have come in handy for learning to go down stairs. Asher also decided to start practicing his walking and POW... we've got a toddler I guess. Just yesterday before I shot this video he also learned to get himself to standing position from the middle of the floor. (He actually started that during a quick visit at Great Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson's house). Anyway, hope you're as mesmorized by baby steps as Brian and I are.


Sarah Hastings said...

yeah for Asher!! That is so exciting for him, I hope he doesn't wear you out too fast! Thank so much for the comment on my blog, I was feeling like a really lousy mom because Anna has done so much for herself lately, it made me feel better to know that i am not the only mom out there that sometimes spends the day on the couch.

Ryan & Janna said...

I can't believe Asher is old enough to walk already. It doesn't seem like that long ago when I saw you all in Idaho, and he wasn't that old. My how time flies.