I am not sending Christmas cards out this year as I'm trying to save $ every little way possible. So, I've written up my Christmas letter to post onto the blog. Since basically everyone that I would have sent a card/letter to already checks the blog, I don't have anything to say that's new information. Still, I feel like I should post this summed-up update anyway.
Merry Christmas!
I can not believe how quickly this year has gone by. It's been a good year for us, with exciting changes and much to be thankful for.
The biggest event was the birth of Asher McConnell on January 19th, weighing an incredible 9 lbs 1oz. Now, at about 11 months old, I just can't believe that he's almost a year. He has grown so quickly and Brian and I just love him to death!
Brennan turned 3 at his last birthday (April) and continues to amaze us with his growth. He has loved being a big brother this last year and Brian and I enjoy watching the boys interact with each other. Brennan loves to "father" Asher by playing with him, and helping him with tasks like climbing the stairs. (Not Mom's favorite undertaking for them to do together, however). Last night, Brennan excitedly approached me with Asher's bottle he'd made up himself... meaning he got a bottle, carried it upstairs to the bathroom to fill it up in the sink, and then dumped a scoop of formula in. He was so proud of himself. I gotta give him an A for effort.
Brian continues to work at McGrath's, but last August he also picked up a web design job for Corvallis Technical. This new business, started and run by a friend at church, has been a great oppportunity for Brian to learn and expand the skills he's studying at school, and because he works at home, it's loosened his schedule further and he's able to spend a lot of time interacting with the family. School, (studying Information Technology) is also going well for Brian, and his projected date of graduation is THIS September. We are sooooo excited!
Heather has just been plugging right along. She took a term off from school with the birth of Asher, but resumed again when he was 5 months old. She is so thankful for the opportunity to attend school through an online program, but can not wait to graduate this August with a Bachelor's in Social and Behavioral Sciences. With that schooling out of the way, Heather intends to focus on other activities like preschool activities with Brennan, and learning new talents. (Because all the other Mom's have the time to spend their days doing fun crafts and projects, right?)
We're so thankful for all that God has blessed us with, and hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a wonderful 2009.
Brian, Heather, Brennan, and Asher Stevenson
5123 SW Meadowflower Dr.
Corvallis, OR 97333
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