Sunday, November 5, 2017

I am genius, hear me roar

I got home from Time Out For Women last night, where I had a great time with Angie! I always take notes, or photos of the quotes shown on the screens. But as is perhaps with case with you, I rarely if ever see those notes again. One year I purchases the DVD of the conference and even rewatched a couple of the presentations once. But really, I go, I feel uplifted and inspired, and then I promptly forget it all.

This year I'm spending my afternoon writing my notes into my LDS Gospel Library, including tagging with the sub-topics so I'll be able to find these thoughts/promptings/stories/etc. any time I look under certain topics, linked to scriptures and other talks I've also tagged before. Another great advantage is that I still remember the background stories and context the speaker was talking about when I took my brief note. I'm including that as well which will help my notes actually make sense if I read them in the future.

I'm down to ONE more speaker (Anthony Sweat), but it was the one where I wrote down the most. *shrug*

We dressed in this year's color scheme. Uh, yes. Totally on purpose too.

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