Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Arizona Trip Day 5

 Lego Land, say what?!?!

Move the Lego soccer player and score a goal!

I'm a sucker for the rugged manual-labor types

Play structure

Brennan's creation = Batman

 Even Kieran got his focus on and designed his own Lego creation in the Master Builder's Workshop

I wish I could remember now what he told me is was!

One ride was working!

You could spend a good chunk of time just looking at the giant, detailed city

We got in to Lego Land during the least expensive Toddler Time, and at that price I'd say it was worth it. It's a LOT of fun, but not full price fun I'd say. Also it's recommended for ages up to 10 but anyone who still enjoys Legos will enjoy Lego Land.

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