Brennan enjoys earning a little spending $ by working for Grandma and Grandpa. I'm just happy to see him having the opportunity to do some chores I can't provide for him.
She was SO sure that she would get a turn mowing the lawn next. And she was SO disappointed to be mistaken.
*Somebody* helped these monkeys get up there. I admit nothing.

I love this curly-haired kiddo
A webelo requirement involved the scout going on a 3 mile hike, and among things, completing a service project at or near the hike location. To accomplish this I arranged to hike and serve at Camp Alpine. Asher, Brennan, plus Clara and Willian Butler and I had a fun day doing that. One of the favorite parts was the obstacle course near the trail head.
Poor little tuckered out guy. He was a champ, struggling with the length but powering through.
Incidentally, this hike was one week after General Conference. That weekend Asher had slept, and slept, and slept. And had a fever on Sunday. But he went to school all week because he felt fine. Except he was super fatigued. He spent all week crashing early, stopping to take a "nap" outside between the busstop and our house, etc. The day after our hike he had bad ear pain, but was fine again Monday. Still, I took him to the Dr. because of the fatigue. He apparently has a bad ear infection causing it. Now I feel kind of bad to have pushed him to finish the hike. It was 3xs the Wolf required hike of 1 mile. Poor guy with legitimate tiredness issues. :-/ Well, he finished anyway.

A very Merry 11th Birthday to this guy! He had a stellar day, I do believe!

I enjoyed Asher's photobomb here. :-)

I don't know if you can tell, but she completely dresses herself. ;-)
Asher wouldn't join despite Brennan's
invite for a sibling picture. 3 outa 4 ain't bad though, right?
1 comment:
The hike looks fun!
Happy Birthday to your kiddos! What a fun month you've had so far!
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