Jingle All The Way
The last day of school before winter break ended up being cancelled due to flooding. Oddly, the first day back after break was cancelled too. I
The fun part, if I'm allowed to say this, is that Underwater Audio stayed closed as well so I got to stay home with my kids. I must say, I think all long breaks should end after a Monday. Sundays are just not good days for me to get my head back in the game. It was awesome to have Monday to get housework done and whatnot to prepare for the routines of school again.
Had a very Merry Christmas at the Richardsons. Didn't take a lot of pictures, just enjoyed the craziness of so many people in one house. Personally, it's my favorite kind of crazy. :-)
I was trying to get an accurate picture of Hollyn's hair looking looking so pretty on her - I'm not a good enough photographer but I did however catch an evolution of Kieran photo-bombing.
Brennan post Lego-Club
Mother-Son date to watch It's a Wonderful Life at the Whiteside Theater.
Still trying to recover the looooong post I wrote in Windows Live Writer. (Something went wrong with my the Windows Live applications on my computer. Technology... Sigh.) If I can't recover it soon, I guess I'll have to redo the post. There's some fun stuff from December to cover.
1 comment:
I'm not sure why, but I can't see any of the photo's or video in this post. I can see them in all the others.
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