How could I have forgotten to blog about the new additions to the family yesterday?!? We are now the proud parents of some cute baby girl twins. No names yet, we just can't decide. And being identical twins, we still can't even tell them apart yet!
Our girls are degus. What? Haven't heard of them before? Or maybe it was just Brian and I who hadn't ever heard of them until VERY coincidentally learning of their existence recently.
The backstory is, Brennan mentioned something about scorpions one night and we got to talking about poisonous animals that are sometimes kept as pets. Which got us talking about pets in general, like how Asher is always begging me for a pet fish. We brought up hamsters, gerbils, the usual. We can't have cats or dogs here, but Asher being allergic would pull the stop on that anyway. It was a Friday night and we thought, "let's hit Petco tomorrow and just visit the animals. Maybe see what they have in the way of fish or something." This was pretty impulsive because I'd already decided we have no room for anything and I had no desire to take care of a critter. Brian and I had tried a hamster once and I was too afraid of being bitten to handle her, and Brian didn't have time to take over duties like he'd intended. It lasted a few days only before she bit Brian and was returned.

So, I did just that. After getting home I hopped online and looked up postings on Craigslist. In that search I found someone with baby hedgehogs which intrigued me immediately. Dander-free means non-allergenic! A quick google search about them as pets sounded kinda cool. The owner had said they'd be visiting Corvallis Saturday only with their babies (and I was reading it that day), so we tried contacting them but never did hear back.
Alternately, as I looked at postings I came across someone with degus. There was no picture, so in curiosity I looked them up. My, but they were intriguing as well. They're awake during the day, they can often be trained, even litter-box trianed sometimes! They love human interaction, including a good belly or chin rub. They look like mice/hamster/gerbil combinations but bigger. So we contacted that seller. She wanted a picture of our cage, etc. so to ensure we had honorable intention and knew what we were doing. So Brian pulled out our birdcage, then went to Home Depot for some supplies to modify it. (They need a solid walking surface for their feet.) At 11pm that Saturday night he started building a degu cage. We were basically committed. I'd also throughout the day done lots more research and we'd decided degus could be a good fit. I also found two other Craiglist postings in the state of Oregon, one in Washington, and all but one of them were old and the degus no longer available. So yeah, they're really hard to find. The fact that I ran across the posting I did, and it was local, is like a one in 1000 chance or something.
We're all in super love though with our new friends. The boys have been playing "degu" with each other, each of them telling me they wish they were degus for real. Before seeing them in person, Brennan had said he preferred to get a fish. (What?!?) but he's SO glad to have the degus now.
Last night as Brian was giving out a couple "treats", the more outgoing girl kept venturing out further and further onto him until she was full blown wandering all over him! Then she began willingly climbing on Brennan and Asher. I filmed all this, included below. It was such a triumph! The other girl is more shy and wouldn't get past just her paws being on Brian's hand.
Lesson learned. We won't get them out of the cage until perimeters have been WELL secured (she dove right through the baby gate at one point as if it wasn't even there) and we have what we need to block all exits but the one we want her to take. At least until they get to know us much better. Supposedly they can reach that point where they'd just come back/hang out with you instead of hiding. But we are NOT there yet.
1 comment:
I at first thought this was going to be some sort of joke, wondering if degus are some sort of new lego character (like ninjago). Funny.
Anyway, they are super cute, and how fun to have an allergy-free pet that you can interact with. Way better than fish!
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