Tuesday, January 17, 2012

9 Months (almost)

 In two days it will be Asher's birthday and Hollyn's 9 month mark.  Fun, fun!
Hollyn has been finally healthy for over 2 weeks!  Yay!  So, I think she's fine with soy formula (the milk-based still seems to give her eczema) and the fall-long recurring problems were a matter of catching everyone else's bugs.  I was always able to point out a reason (teething, the rest of us are sick, etc.) but I wasn't sure if it really just worked out that way or if there was a deeper problem.  Since her Christmas Roseola episode she's been totally healthy, happy, and energetic.  We LOVE this girl!

In other Hollyn news she has been improving her cruising and in the last couple of days starting practicing standing unassisted.  During Sacrament Meeting on Sunday Hollyn got to standing by herelf without using any furniture or anything and stood for about 10 seconds before losing her balance.  Since then she has been really working on that move, as well as attempting short steps on her own.  Yikes!  We'll have to see if she makes the deadline (25th of this month) to match Brennan's age of first steps.  She may not because she is so comfortable crawling.

 Shannon was hanging out the other day with *Sunshine* and our girls looked so cute playing together.  It's so fun for Hollyn to have another baby to hang with.  These sweet cousins get along well and I'm so excited to see what kind of relationship they'll be able to develop as they grow up.

 The pictures below are from before Christmas... So, Hollyn was just about 8 months.  The cruising was just starting.

 Boys will be... weird?

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