Brennan and Asher are both doing well. So far, knock on wood, we've avoided everyone else's colds and flu. Two weeks ago or so some of us got a small cold that lasted about 2 days each, but no biggy. The season is still young though, technically, so I doubt we're really in the clear.
I love Asher's age. I could (and sometimes do) spend all day just watching him wander around. He's a really happy child who is eager to walk off to empty cupboards and book shelves, and returns every few minutes to check in and offer me a grand smile. Every day I am SO thankful that he joined our family.
Brennan is also a joy. He's no sweet, inocent 1 year old, but he's got his redeaming qualities ;-). He's always been the bundle of energy, such as displayed in the video clips below. It can be a little overwhelming day in and day out, but I wouldn't change it if I could. He's always ready for a good tickle fight, or a board game or a book, or whatever kind of activity we have to offer. Brian and I can't remember life before him. We're SO thankful he's in our family too.
Nothing noteworthy has happened lately, so I decided to take the opportunity to just get some pics/clips of the boys hanging out. The pictures are not working out so well though because they won't stay still long enough. Even on the "sports" setting, the boys are moving too fast to get a clear picture. I think just for fun, I'll post the pictures of Asher which would have been adorable had he been sitting still enough.
I'm so glad I got this shot. Asher's been doing this for months now. He loves going upsidedown, and does it regularly throughout the day. This time though, I was actually already holding the camera when he did it.
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