Monday, April 28, 2008

We Love Brennan

This is a little late, I know, but...
In honor of Brennan's 3rd birthday, here's a little tribute.

Brennan Lavell Stevenson was born late Wednesday night on April 13th, 2005. He weighed 7 lb 2 oz.

Brian and Heather were so pleased to have him. His gender had been left a surprise during pregnancy, so it was fun meet him with that surprise.

Brennan was a good baby. He liked to watch what was going on around him.

Brian and Heather thought Brennan was the cutest baby in the whole world! (Sorry Justin--baby cousin born just 3 months earlier)

Brian got to "catch" Brennan when he was born, as well as cut the cord. What a proud Papa!

For his first birthday, Brennan had a little party. Mama made a carrot cake from scratch... not something she's likely to attempt again any time soon.

Brennan liked it however.

What big, blue eyes!

Some friends and family came bearing gifts.

Daddy had to help blow out the candle.

The first year and flown by. It's hard to believe how much growth occurs in such a short time period.

Birthday #2! The terrible twos began... j/k. Well sometimes it seemed so, but we couldn't really complain. There's nothing like going out and observing other children's behavior to make you appreciate your own child's.

Brennan loved the finger puppets from his Grana Stevenson.

Brennan spent his third birthday with several requests: He wanted to open his present with the racecar wrapping paper, and he wanted to wear his Spiderman p.j.s.

Mama intended to make some awesome themed birthday cake for his birthday party a few days later, but in the end had the kids decorate their own cupcakes. So, at least he had a cake, although nothing extraordinary, on his birthday.

Brennan blew and blew, every so gently. I don't remember if he ever got those candles out, or if someone else eventually stepped in. It was funny though.

We love Brennan so much. We must have done something right in the pre-mortal life because Brennan is such a blessing in our lives. We love how caring he is for others. We love how helpful he is (Mama can't do a single job without his wanting to help, from vacuuming to laundry to making the bed) We love his sillyness. Everyday Mama tells Daddy all the "Brennanisms" of the day.

As I've told you before: Thank You, Brennan, for being in our family!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yeah for Brennan turning 3 and yeah for going potty in his chair!! I think potty training must be the hardest thing in the world to do, I am totally scared to try with Anna. So I am just going to keep waiting, if she is in elementary school and not potty trained I guess i will have to start worrying!