Welcome Asher McConnell Stevenson to the family.
We are so happy to have Asher with us.
The labor was "fast and furious" as the nurses in the hospital called it. A little over 2 hours from first contraction to delivery, 34 minutes from hospital check-in to delivery. Yikes! Who'da thought?
Asher weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. He's a big kid. And let me tell you, a hungry one too. We really struggled the first few days. Asher started having longer and longer crying spells and occurring more frequently. Finally on night 3 Brian and I broke down and supplemented Asher with a little formula. He was immediately a different baby. Turns out he's not a fussy baby, just a hungry one! Even now that my milk's come in we have to top him off with formula (and an ever growing quantity) after each feeding, which are occurring every 2 hours (or less) as normal. We're expecting a chubby kid from this.
The first night home was kinda rough... for Heather at least. Emotional roller-coasters are the name-of-the-game right now for her. Brian is awesome and taking over all the needs of the house, both domestic and with Heather, Brennan, and Asher.
He is so beautiful!! Congratulations.
Congratulations Heather! Asher is a beautiful big boy! I can't believe how fast your labor and delivery was! WOW!! It is great to look at your blog. You have a cute family! We miss you!
Your old roomate,
Julie Turner:)
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