Last week the Extreme Makeover Home Edition show came to Corvallis. As they built the house for the deserving Byer family, us spectators were allowed to watch from the side-lines. My sister Devon and I tried to sign-up to volunteer several times, but alas the list fills up too fast. Anyway, I watched on Thursday and saw nothing but the local volunteers pushing dirt around out front.
On friday I went back to watch... but this time I took Brennan. Dhun dhun dhun! See, Brennan is obsessed with buses. The whole way over to the shuttle (school bus) he repeated "ride the bus, ride the bus..." Once arriving he charged up the stairs and half way down the aisle excitedly, until suddenly stopping, turning, and tearfully exclaiming "all done! Off bus!" He calmed down enough that we rode it anyway, but he whimpered the whole time reminding me he was "all done." Come time to ride it back to the parking lot, almost the same scene except without the initial excited part.
The good part was that I got to watch 3 takes of recording the "I got the keys!" moment. Ty wasn't there either day I watched, but at least on friday I saw the designers from afar, and watched them move in the first loads of furniture. Very exciting. Brennan was very good and stood right under me, or made me hold him, while I took pictures and such.
As a fan of the show, this is so cool! Too bad you didn't get to volunteer. But at least Brennan got to ride the bus! When will this air on TV?
PS - I like the new look! And who is the adorable singing Captain Moroni? Your nephew?
The show is supposed to air September or October I believe.
Yep, the singing Moroni is my nephew Logan. I don't have any of my own stuff on YouTube, so I used my sister's as I tried stuff out. Logan's the cutest little 4 year old ever though!
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