Brennan had a busy halloween this year. We attended a "harvest party" at the Indoor Park yesterday where among other things, he made his Dada a lovely necklace of dyed raw pasta.
Today we went to a potluck held for/by the LDS families that live in our complex. (People jokingly call those of us who live in Camas Commons the "Camas Commons Branch") We immediately left for the ward's trunk-or-treating activity.
Here's the weird part: I gave Brennan several days with his costume to overcome his fear of it - new things make him nervous. Each experience with it began with great excitement, followed by an anxious "GET IT OFF ME!" cry for help within 2 minutes. When we got to the church building tonight, I put his costume on and he stayed in it for about and hour and a half!
After the parade of costumes inside we all met outside for the trunk-or-treating part and Brennan flipped out! He got in the car several times crying and begging to go home despite all my best efforts to explain that all he had to do was walk around and he'd get candy! Finally, after quite some time he did walk around, though was too scared to approach anyone at their cars. My parents who'd I'd convinced to come help me, gave Brennan most of his candy, and at the few other cars he walked past the people had to go to him and hand him the candy.
When trunk-or-treating ended we drove to McGrath's to say hi to Brian. Within a few minutes there Brennan finally went through his usual "overwhelmed by the costume" thing.
All in all it was a fun night. Due to his nervousness Brennan didn't get a whole lot of candy, which is great because now I don't have to worry about him (or me) living off of it for the next month.
By the way, as for my costume, I was a lion-tamer.