Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Visiting Idaho, part 1

We're off to a fun start in Idaho Falls.

Visiting the Museum of Idaho - current exhibit is Dinosaur Themed and super hands on for kids.

Touching an actual dinosaur bone

Hatching from his egg

He looks up to his big brother. :-)

Spring snow! The first snow my kids have seen this year if I recall. Well, technically we saw it in the Cascades on our drive over (the roads were clear but the ground and trees still have snow). Anyway, Hollyn was pretty excited to go play in it while it lasted.

Greg is living at home these days and that's good news for the boys. He and Grana had fun building Legos the other night.

I tried so hard to capture her beautiful hair and face but the camera just won't do her justice.

Snuggling in the motel bed.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Memory Lane in Lego Land

Brennan created this pretty cool stud-factory. (Studs are money, he explained earlier). After learning all about his intricate creation, I told him about how much less interesting my own Lego creations had been as a child. We didn't have mini figures or chains or moving pieces. I told him that I had a flate base which I used to make floorplans. I also explained how I made people to inhabit the houses with just a 2x1 brick stacked onto another 2x1 - like pants and a shirt - and we just imagined all the other features.

After that he left for a bit, then returned with this sweet gift. He made me house like what I used to design. He showed me that the person he made included a hat and eyes. I love it! I love that he can see random pieces and make them into hats for starters. But most of all, I felt so loved that he created something meaningful and nostalgic for me. How great is my boy?!?! I told him that this is another reason why he'll make a great husband some day - because he thinks about what's meaningful and interesting to other people, not just himself.

I immediately started preparing to write this post, when Asher emerged from HIS room with this creation of his own. His high security bank complete with multiple booby-traps. Hah. I love my kids!

(my camera's battery died right at the end - he was showing the prize is a gold brick)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Blue and Gold

I swear, this was not born of laziness or procrastination.

We had our Cub Scouts Blue and Gold Banquet a couple weeks ago. It was Asher's first time to participate as a scout. The boys are supposed to decorate cakes for this. Brennan and Asher immediately decided to co-create a "Brothers" cake, which would involve pictures or a picture of them. Ultimately we opted for brownies instead of regular cake, and this is what they wanted: A picture of them in their scout uniforms, and the word "Brothers". Personally, I was extremely glad I only had to make one treat, AND we skipped the frosting all together. And among the 2 dozen cakes there, we were the only people to leave with an empty dish. It pays to break out of the cake-box (lol). I think people liked having something just a little different to choose.

Love these brothers!