In this album: The YW camping trip last April – rain meant we got to sleep in the cabin instead of tents. Shucks.

Kieran’s 2nd Birthday!
The picture Asher had me take of himself to send to his primary teacher as part of the birthday gift he gave her.
Hollyn’s Preschool Graduation
Boys’ music performances at school
Brennan’s Invention. They needed to invent something – kind of like a science fair thingy. He invented an egg cracker. With was a crack-a-lackin’ success!
Don’t you just love her hair?
Doctor visit time
Scouting day at Central Park. Hollyn was pretty good with those remote control robots
Time to get Brennan up for school. Wait… Where is he?
Yep. He’d slept under that box the entire night. Silly kid.
Finally got his Bear award. On to Webelos!
First warm day of the spring/summer.
Trying out some rearrangements. You always move everything about 20 times before most of it ends up right where it started. Hah.
Errands ran long. Lunch at Yogurt Extreme it is!
I love coming across little gems like this. Oh Brenny…
Last day of school means DQ time. This is how Asher felt about summer finally starting.
Fun story with this one. One night Hollyn started crying so we went upstairs to check on her, but by the time we got up to the top she’d stopped. So we didn’t go in. We noticed the power upstairs was out though, so we went back to the breakerbox to flip the switches. All was good. The next morning I noticed Hollyn’s nightlight was charred. Come to find out, when I asked her about it, she said she’d been playing with toys on the floor but not messing with the light (yeah right) and said “there was fire! The fire got on my pjs and it hurt me”. Yikes, right? I’m preeeeetty sure there was probably just a spark or something that scared her, but her rendition of the events are pretty frightening.
Just a couple of dudes watching a show