Monday night only the circus came to town! I would not have even known a thing about it if I hadn't happened to hit the UPS store on Saturday and Judi hadn't happened to be with me and noticed a flyer/coupon. It sounded like a fun FHE and boy was it. The kids were still talking about it today. Almost all my shots are of the back of the kids' heads, but I guess that's to be expected.
Asher and Brennan watching some clown action |
You can't tell, but she's smiling for the camera while the motorcycle rode the wire above. |
Backs of heads and selfies were basically my only option. Neither kind worked well with Kieran on my nap because as soon as my phone was out he'd lunge for it. Poor guy's mad he can't reach it sufficiently. |
Make a silly face, Kier! |
Intermission |
Watching the other kids who's parents paid for elephant rides, face painting, photos with the Tiger, etc. Their Mom is cheap and lame. Thankfully they're good sports about it and seemed sufficiently thankful just to be there. |
Elfish Asher |
Watching the Tiger show |
In our seats, waiting for the show to begin |
Everybody cram in, my arms are only so long! |
I took a chance by bringing Kieran along and expecting him to sit on my lap for several hours. He did SO good though. We got there early, which meant we actually got seating in the bleachers (barely), and front row to boot, instead of sitting on the ground in front of the bleachers. Kieran stayed on my lap during that crazy, crowded, chaotic wait while I somehow managed the overly excited other kids. He sat on my lap the whole first "half" of the show, even though he couldn't really see anything from his spot. Intermission went down hill real quick though as he decided he was quite DONE sitting and wanted to run away. Thankfully the second half was only about half an hour, much much shorter than the first portion. I was so relieved that he spent those first two hours just chilling and not fussing. He's not generally a lap sitter - hence the trouble with Sacrament Meeting each Sunday. He does great hanging out in a stroller, but he does not usually tolerate laps or being held, oddly, even if each thing is used at the same event/activity. So, he was surprisingly great last night!
We enjoyed a short-but-lovely visit with Barry and Judi last weekend. The sun shone (wait, it does that in Oregon? Never for visitors, what a treat!) so there were walks and playground visits, there was chatting, and Judi even made us all dinner on Saturday.
Brennan showed off some music he's working on, which eventually led to a quartet free-for-all. It was, ummm, loud. But fun to see them all enjoying the piano together.