Brennan’s hearing was noticeably down again all summer. It’s a pattern – I begin every school year explaining to his new teacher that he can’t hear very well at this time. However, we were also focusing on KIERAN’S ear issues (he too has fluid in his ears, same as Brennan and Asher, at least previously). Brennan saw our ENT and had a hearing test that he failed. We were warned he needs to be careful crossing the street because he couldn’t hear a truck coming, and to be cautious approaching unfamiliar dogs as he can’t hear them growling. And it was recommended for him to get his THIRD set of ear tubes. This time, they’re long-term, meaning they stay in years instead of months. We’ll have them taken out in about 3 years in his case. Hopefully by THEN he’ll have outgrown this issue.

The surgery took place last Thursday. Here we are arriving at 6:30, still the middle of the night as far as we’re concerned. A HUUUUUUUGE thanks to my Mom for coming over at 6am, and getting Asher off to school and the littles taken care of!

Getting all gussied up in the hospital jammies.

He’ll be going back soon. The doctors and nurses and everybody is so nice. And Brennan is an old pro at this. But he still felt scared when the time came. He’d been looking forward to the surgery until the car ride there.
He was full of SO many questions. He’s such a nut. As he rattles off “why”s one after another, Brian and I just have to laugh. (It’s that or get very annoyed). I hope someday he’ll put this naturally high curiosity and inquisitiveness to good use in his career.
Brian got double the birthday celebrations this year. We spent his real birthday in Sunriver and all the rushing to get out there meant I forgot the things I DID have, plus I was waiting on some late-arriving gifts. So we got a dinner-date out there at the resort and dessert, but after the gifts arrived we celebrated again. Happy 34th to my man!

Wow. They don’t look related at.all. do they?

I didn’t take a lot of pictures of our little vacation at Sunriver. We had a great time though.

Family bike ride. Made possible because Asher F.I.N.A.L.L.Y learned to ride his bike. I’ve been working with him on it for a year. He just wasn’t into trying. I’d get frustrated, he’d weep and wail every time he fell at all… it wasn’t good. So I asked Brian to take him out and practice and he goes outside, gives Asher the same advice I do, and Asher just does it. Ugh! Well it worked. We rode out to the playground and it took Asher a while. He kept veering off the path when others would ride past. At one point he was unable to stop while going downhill into where the our path crossed the street. So he had a very AFV crash in the road. He lived to tell though.
He kept practicing every chance he got after that, silently slipping outside and just riding around the dead-end loop of our street. Even after getting home he’s been riding for fun! I never ever, EVER thought I’d see that happen.

I love, LOVE this picture!

Now we’re just back at home enjoying the end of summer/almost fall season.

Kieran has finally learned how to go down stairs. Now we’re baby gate free AND I don’t have to rescue him whenever he goes upstairs like I’ve done the last few weeks. He’s become a lot happier with this new freedom.