At the parade |
So there I sat Tuesday deciding that I would do a 5k the NEXT DAY. Brian declined to join me (he remembered the consequences of last time more clearly I guess), but I didn't want to do it alone. So, like any selfish Mother I convinced Brennan that since he (literally) ran circles around me on our 2k last March, he shouldn't find the 5k too hard. So Brennan agreed and we signed up. Yeah, we're crazy like that.
So yesterday, we started off the 4th of July with our race. Brennan complained frequently about being tired. He walked a lot which caused me to walk more than I otherwise would have. And we came in I think dead-last among the running group. And yet, even still I shaved 2 whole minutes off my time from last time! I hardly pushed myself at all! When I stopped to walk with Brennan it was knowing that I had enough in me to keep jogging if I'd wanted to. And when I crossed that finish line, although tired, I knew I could have gone further if required. And I didn't need to throw up at all! ;-) Wow, what a difference it makes to exercise somewhat regularly for 8 months versus 6 weeks.
And despite Brennan's complaints during the race, he said only an hour later that he would be willing to do it again some time. So I say a win for both of us!
Finishing in 41 minutes, number 56, BRENNAN STEVENSON... |
After our leisurely morning jog, we met Brian with Asher and Hollyn to watch the parade. And I use that term loosely. It was basically a crowd of kids and parents walking and biking (the "anyone can be in the parade" part), followed by the Democrat and Republican trailers, some lamas, old cars, and a firetruck. They didn't even block off the streets officially. Police cars parked sideways to stop traffic from crossing for the 10-15 minutes the parade lasted, then got out of the way again to let traffic continue. Still, the kids gathered lots of candy and had a great time.
Father and Daughter, watching some parade |
After all that I sat outside to get some sun. But I stayed out longer than I thought. I am horribly sunburned on my knees and shins with stark lines showing exactly which direction the sun was from me. Oh man, I have been in SO much pain.
Lastly, we have an awesome barbeque feast, and as it got dark the boys and I walked to the edge of our neighborhood to watch some neighbor friends light off their fireworks. Good enough for me!
Sitting comfy for the neighbor's fireworks show |
The way Brennan watches fireworks |
Double protected with headphones and hands |