Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh Happy Day

Today was Brian’s commencement ceremony. It was very nice, and get this… BRIEF! No one spoke more than about 5 minutes or so, and they doubled-up the diploma-handing so the whole thing took about an hour and a half. Thank goodness because the kids were QUITE restless by the end.

Brian “chose” (a.k.a. was strongly prompted by his wife, moi) to walk because we knew this was the one chance to have the pictures in your cap and gown and make it feel official. Another plus for me was that it was an actual event that hopefully at least Brennan will remember. (He remembers mine from last year). My hope is that it will be a nice memory for him to know how important a college education was to his Dad, and help him desire to have the same in his life. A kid is going to look way more forward to their day in the spot-light than to some framed piece of paper on the wall.

I tried to get some pictures, but none turned out terribly well. We were inside, and too far away. Plus, Asher would not stop hanging on me, unless he was sticking his feet into the back of the poor man in front of us. Here’s a few though.

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I’m so proud of my man!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Love My Boys!

Just livin’ one day a time

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Happy (Belated) Birthday Brennan

I think I never posted about Brennan’s birthday, which occurred a month ago today. He turned a whopping 5 years old!!!

Brennan, you are such a joy to have for a son. You are a sensitive child, which means you can be incredibly fearful of new situations, or things you don’t understand (you can still cry at the drop of a hat – literally)… but it also means you are sensitive to the feelings of others and you know how to behave like a good friend. You have always been easy to take shopping, out to restaurants, and other public places because you know how to behave appropriately.

I have never seen a child with so much ENERGY as you have. You are constantly running, wiggling, and making noise. You love to make up your own words and use them in conversations and lyrics. One of your favorites is “Dootsy-diaper” and calling people “_______-head” such as “tree-head” and “shirt-head” and such. You think such things are quite funny and clever I guess. You love sillyness.

You are a STAR WARS groupie already. Currently, everything you play involves Darth Vador or Jedi and you hum the Imperial March all day long. One of your current favorite activities is to play Legos Star Wars on the computer, and you taught me how to play-which buttons do what. Dad is very pleased with this new interest in your life.

You start kindergarten this fall, and in preparation you are learning how to read now, which you find very exciting. You’re also working on counting all the way to 100. In the mean time, you think 100 is the biggest number there is, so you use it to say things like, “Mom, I love you 100” and “This food is 100 good” and such.

You are such a loving child. You love giving me hugs and kisses, and you’re always quick to express your love for me and Dad. We are so happy that Heavenly Father sent you to us! We love you ONE HUNDRED!!!!IMG_2465 IMG_2470 (Brennan’s ‘thinking’ face – really, it’s what he does)IMG_2467 So Silly!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Renting a place in a student-family-centered neighborhood does have its advantages. For example, our neighborhood is about 40% LDS (used to be more, but S. Korean's are also great networkers and make up another 45% I bet). Most houses have young children, and for some reason about 75% are boys (must be the water). In the end, Brennan is surrounded by boys in his age group.

His very best friend, Wyatt, lives just across the street and comes over about every-other-day, with Brennan going to his house on the other days. Yesterday while Wyatt was here, they started looking at Brennan's new Star Wars magazine that he picked out with his birthday money. They were so cute! Once they saw the camera though, they just had to strike a bunch of poses.

Asher is also a huge Wyatt fan. ALL day, EVERY day, Asher begs "Wyatt's house?!?" as he starts getting on his shoes and waiting for me to open the door. Of course, I don't feel comfortable sending Asher over uninvited the way the older boys do, since Asher is still so young. Brennan's at preschool right now, and Wyatt came over to play with Asher(which is MAKING his day) and I realized that Asher is calling him "Wyatt's house." Like, the whole thing is his name. He makes me laugh!