Today was Brian’s commencement ceremony. It was very nice, and get this… BRIEF! No one spoke more than about 5 minutes or so, and they doubled-up the diploma-handing so the whole thing took about an hour and a half. Thank goodness because the kids were QUITE restless by the end.
Brian “chose” (a.k.a. was strongly prompted by his wife, moi) to walk because we knew this was the one chance to have the pictures in your cap and gown and make it feel official. Another plus for me was that it was an actual event that hopefully at least Brennan will remember. (He remembers mine from last year). My hope is that it will be a nice memory for him to know how important a college education was to his Dad, and help him desire to have the same in his life. A kid is going to look way more forward to their day in the spot-light than to some framed piece of paper on the wall.
I tried to get some pictures, but none turned out terribly well. We were inside, and too far away. Plus, Asher would not stop hanging on me, unless he was sticking his feet into the back of the poor man in front of us. Here’s a few though.
I’m so proud of my man!