In this case, although I did not cry, I had to come up with a new dinner with about 2 minutes to do it in, as we had places to be after dinner. *Sigh* Sometimes life just gives you 'one of those days.'
"God is the designer of the family. He intended that the greatest of happiness, the most satisfying aspects of life, the deepest joys should come in our associations together and our concerns one for another as fathers and mothers and children." -Gordon B. Hinckley. "What God Hath Joined Together," Ensign, May 1991.
This is me as I neared the finish line (in white shirt in the background) See that smile?
This is me 2 seconds later about to throw up
This is me trying to fake a smile as I convince myself that I don’t need to throw up.
This is me just before I was handed my “Pear Blossom” courtesy towel, which I immediately threw up into. Yeah, I’m awesome like that.
Somehow, despite that embarrassing finish (which no one even noticed), I had a great time! Us 5 sisters plus Brian decided back in January to run a 5K at the Pear Blossom festival in Medford (S. Oregon). Some us us sisters trained better than others. Brian and I fell into the “others” category, unfortunately. We just really fell off the wagon in mid-late February when all of us Stevensons took turns being sick continuously through last weekend. Still, we were committed to try.
We found Mom – the kid watcher, and my nieces and nephews on the side-line just seconds before the race started, so we were literally in the VERY back to start off. From the get-go, Brian zoomed off ahead of me, and I got ahead of Shannon (whose preggo and had to take it easier.) My other 3 sisters were up ahead-having arrived in a timely fashion- but they all split up at some point too.
I felt pretty good as I jogged and walked off and on the whole time. I was really proud of myself for jogging at LEAST as often as, if not more than, I walked. I was definitely motivated to try to catch up with Brian, plus there was a big turn around where the runners passed each other, and I didn’t want to be caught walking when I passed any of my family. I definitely did well for me.
That being said, the adrenaline wore off and my body is QUITE angry at me. Yesterday, being the day after the race, I was sore everywhere. Brian said that he hasn’t been this sore since after his seizure back in 1999, and in my case, not since after I gave birth to Brennan. In many ways, this sore was worse though because it wasn’t in a few isolated areas. I pulled or strained a muscle in my back thru my chest that made it impossible to breath all the way. Last night I almost begged Brian to take me to the ER because I felt like I was suffocating, unable to breathe all the way. The rest of my body hurt just a much… it was BAD.
Today, I think I am less sore, but it’s been hidden behind flu symptoms, including fever, body chills/overly hot, and of course, body aches. Are you KIDDING me? I really think it’s a result of the stress I put myself through, emotionally and physically, with this race.
Despite it all, Brian and I have plans to do another 5k this fall in Corvallis. We’ll definitely be training better though.