Brennan, August 22, 2009
"God is the designer of the family. He intended that the greatest of happiness, the most satisfying aspects of life, the deepest joys should come in our associations together and our concerns one for another as fathers and mothers and children." -Gordon B. Hinckley. "What God Hath Joined Together," Ensign, May 1991.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
A Child's Prayer
"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. Thank you that I love my Mommy, in the day time, and in the night time. And when I'm sleeping. And going potty. And brushing my teeth... I just always love her.... Amen."
Brennan, August 22, 2009
Brennan, August 22, 2009
Tour of Corvallis Historic Homes
The Willamette Valley Mommies group had an event last Saturday. It was to ride the free trolley on the tour of historic homes in Corvallis. I kind of thought there would be more kids, but actually about 90% of the riders were over the age of, like, 80. The Van Tress's had their two kids, and Brennan made 3. 3 kids. It was definitely geared towards an older audience, so I'm glad I ended up leaving Asher home. He would have been a beast once he'd reached his "this is old news" sentiment a few minutes into it.
Anyway, Brennan enjoyed it, and only showed boredom for the last few minutes. He enjoyed looking at the houses and the people outside, but mostly, he enjoyed playing photographer. He took shots of anything and everything. I gotta admit, his shots are at least as good as mine. (I don't know if it's just my monitor, or if there's something wrong with the camera, but all our pictures these last several posts look REALLY grainy. Take my word for it though, the pictures are rather nice in actuality.)
Pudding Boy
Saturday, August 1, 2009
We had such a fun time playing at the beach about 2 weeks ago. It all started when I realized that I'm a horrible mother who never does anything fun with her kids. So, that day I decided that we would go to the beach. However, as I don't like to sacrifice nap time, we waited until after Asher woke up, which was after 4pm. I'd promised Brennan though, so I couldn't get out of it.
By the time we got there it was 5:30pm. The sun was still out and nice and warm... that is, until we got to the coast itself. Hanging over Newport, thick and heavy, the grayest fog ever. We'd come all that way though, so we pressed on.
Despite the fog, the beach weather was actually sort of pleasant. There was no wind, so after a few minutes Brennan shed his jacket and sweat pants for his Tshirt and shorts. The fog was apparently holding in just enough heat to keep it pretty nice feeling.
Asher LOVED the sand. We haven't been since last year, and at that time he wouldn't stop eating it. This time it got stuck on his runny nose, but at least he didn't put any in his mouth. He just went up and down the little sand hill next to our blanket, having a dandy 'ol time.
At one point, we walked to dip our toes in the water, or at least I think we did. We couldn't actually distinguish the water for the fog, but regardless, before getting to it, Brennan changed his mind so we went back to the dry sand.
Stopping at the restaurant for dinner was NOT as fun. They were really busy, so it took a while to be seated, but even still, I was totally unprepared to wait 30 minutes to be greeted by a server and have our order taken, then wait another 30 minutes for the beverages and my soup. This wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't for the fact that Asher developed a bad cough right when we walked in the restaurant. I wanted so badly to just get him a drink so stop the constant hacking, but the server just kept walking past and I didn't have the gumption to jump up and beg for our order/the drinks.
After the initial arrival of drinks and my chowder, things were staggered, so I never felt like I had a good opportunity to grab a server and say, "sorry, I can't wait any longer, can I have the check for what we've received so far?" Like, 10 minutes after I got my soup and drinks, she asked if Brennan wanted his soup (he ordered clam chowder, his favorite food) and got it. Then a while after that is when my entre arrived. All in all, I waited almost an hour and half for 1 dinner, 1 cup of chowder, and 3 drinks, which were all consumed in a total of about 7 minutes. Incidently, besides the coughing, Asher was crying the entire time. It was kind of a nightmare.
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