I had Brennan and Asher make Grandma a card. As Brennan began to draw some pictures, I asked him what he was drawing and realized that he was drawing purposeful images. I was so impressed. I'm sorry to admit it, but I don't do a lot of art projects with my kids. I have noticed Brennan's art changing and progressing, but I hadn't noticed that he could do this now. Before mailing the card off today, we had to get a copy of his first picture like this. Grandma, enjoy the original. Maybe it'll be worth some $ some day, eh?

I'm tyring to get it so you can enlarge it by clicking on it, but I don't know how. Hopefully my IT husband can spare some time to learn my blog. Until then...
Top: Airplane with windows
Below that: an animal (I think it looks like an elephant)
Middle: piano
Bottom left: a humidifier with steam.
Smallest picture next to humidifier: a little airplane.
Middle bottom: a car
Bottom right: "Light so we can see in the dark"