A tradition I've started and would like to continue is to make the birthday kid some sort of cool cake of their choice. Brennan has been asking for a dinosaur cake for a while, so I made the necessary preparations. Unfortunately, the mold I ordered over a week ago is experiencing a hold-up and hasn't arrived. Sooooo, his real cake is coming some time later, but to give him something to put candles on I got him a slice of cake from the grocery store yesterday.
I decided to skip a real birthday party this year, but I told him he could have a few friends come and play at our house. With how buy we've been though, that hasn't happened. Tomorrow we're going out of town, so I think next week he'll have the play day and hopefully his dinosaur cake. Although things are being spread out, it's just as well. He had SO much sugar between Easter candy, desserts, and birthday treats, I think he's better off saving the cake for later.