Tuesday, April 14, 2009

4 Galore

Brennan turned 4 years old yesterday. His special day came at a sort of chaotic time, so it's gonna be a little spread out. With Easter being the day before, he was already prepped with candy and a gift from the Easter Bunny. Yesterday, again his actual birthday, Brian had to work at night, so we celebrated after lunch.

A tradition I've started and would like to continue is to make the birthday kid some sort of cool cake of their choice. Brennan has been asking for a dinosaur cake for a while, so I made the necessary preparations. Unfortunately, the mold I ordered over a week ago is experiencing a hold-up and hasn't arrived. Sooooo, his real cake is coming some time later, but to give him something to put candles on I got him a slice of cake from the grocery store yesterday.

I decided to skip a real birthday party this year, but I told him he could have a few friends come and play at our house. With how buy we've been though, that hasn't happened. Tomorrow we're going out of town, so I think next week he'll have the play day and hopefully his dinosaur cake. Although things are being spread out, it's just as well. He had SO much sugar between Easter candy, desserts, and birthday treats, I think he's better off saving the cake for later.

Mama's getting the cake ready. Better go sit down.

Finally time to open that present!

Asher LOVED Brennan's birthday balloon.

Still waiting for Brian to help me figure out the video uploading problem. I'll post those when I can.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

Dying Easter eggs the night before. Devon came and helped us out. Brennan had a lot of fun, althoug his lack of patience showed. One kit came with sponges and paints, which he ejoyed quite a bit and gave his eggs the vibrant color that his quick-dying jobs didn't produce.

We had a really great Easter this year. Last Thursday we had a Family Home Evening and made some Easter Cookies. I've never done them, or even seen them done, before, but it was pretty neat. Each ingredient or action represents something from the story of The Savior's death and resurrection. I showed Brennan pictures and had a hands-on visual for him to help us out. It was pretty fun.

I also talked to Brennan a little about the Easter Bunny when he came across the baskets and plastic eggs I'd gotten out. With an explanation in mind, Brennan began playing "Easter Bunny" by telling me to go to sleep. He would then hide the eggs all over the living room, including in my lap, then wake me up. Before I could say anything he'd start pointing and shriek, "Look! There's an Easter egg!" and "Look! There's another one!" Asher liked this game too because he found the eggs quite fascinating. After a while I put some raisins inside some eggs which Asher found to be REALLY cool.

Easter morning was a bit of a rush, since we have 9am church, and almost never make it there on time as it is. There's a video that we got, but it was cut short by the the camera's card being full. Nothing happened after that though. Brian immediately left to copy the bulletin at church, and I got the kids ready and left. It wasn't until after we got home from church and had eaten lunch and put Asher down for his nap that I had Brennan hunt down all the eggs. He was more interested in eating the candy from the eggs he'd already found than looking for more.

We had a yummy dinner at Mom and Dad's with Shannon, Bryan, and Devon. It was fun to hang out with family, even if I see them all pretty regularly anyway. It was nice to see 'em all at the same time, I guess.