Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Asher McConnell Stevenson

My this year flew by. I still can't get over it.

Today is Asher's birthday. His very first. It's been very low key, but fun. Since Brian had to work this evening, we celebrated with family last night. Because I was using Brian's help for ideas on what kind of cake to make, he ended up volunteering to be the decorator. Unfortunately, I had to make an emergency supply of frosting when I didn't buy nearly enough, and I had only enough of the ingredients to make it a little on the drippy side. Still, although lacking the sharp edges we invisioned, I think Brian did a fabulous job.

Nobody had any gifts for him to open... yet at least. But Asher doesn't know the difference anyway.

Because today is actually his birthday, I thought I'd snap a few more pics. He was playing with Brennan at the time.

Yes, We're Still Here

I'd like to apologize to all (probably none) of you who have been waiting with anxious anticipation for some sort of update in the last few weeks. I've been gone. And by gone, I mean a friend of mine loaned me the first two Twilight books the other day, and no one has seen or heard from me since. Sadly, I finished the 2nd one last night, and I'm in serious withdrawls today because I don't have the next one. I tried getting Devon to just tell me how it all ends, but she wouldn't. Hmph! See if I ever have her babysit again. Oh, wait...

I've got some serious catching up to do on this thing though. I've been enjoying this break from school a little two much. When you try to squeeze into one month all the tasks you've both needed and wanted to do over the last few years (including doing "nothing at all"), the time really flies.

I just remembered that the reason I haven't caught up on Christmas and such is because all the photos during our Idaho trip were uploaded to Brian's laptop, so I'll have to update in reverse order until I get those pics I guess.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Asher learned to walk at Granna's house

I know, I still need to write about Christmas and such, but I just couldn't resist skipping to this first. My kids always pick up new skills when we visit Granna and Grandpa Stevenson's. There'r two rooms in the house which are sunken by carpeted steps that have come in handy for learning to go down stairs. Asher also decided to start practicing his walking and POW... we've got a toddler I guess. Just yesterday before I shot this video he also learned to get himself to standing position from the middle of the floor. (He actually started that during a quick visit at Great Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson's house). Anyway, hope you're as mesmorized by baby steps as Brian and I are.