This year Halloween fell on a non-work night for Brian, so of course I encouraged him to get in on the festivities. Although every year I start thinking about Halloween two months before and want very badly to have everything together ahead of time, I still, every year, end up rushing to have everything together on Halloween day.
Brennan had expressed interest in being Spider-Man, so I didn't give his costume much thought. As the holiday approached however and I was deciding on Asher's costume, it opened up Brennan's eyes to the idea of being anything else he wanted. In the end Asher was a chicken (thank you Angie for letting him borrow the costume), Brennan a cow, myself a pig, and Brian was the farmer. I was pretty excited about having a family theme... and very excited that I actually talked my husband into dressing up!

When Brennan said that he wanted to be a cow, I was pumped because I had at my parents house a cow hood which I'd received in high school. I then spent all week, and literally hours looking for an easy way to make the rest of his costume. (Also looking for the pieces of the rest of our costumes). The day before halloween I ended up buying a pattern and fabric and spent that night, and all halloween day making it for him. We had a potluck at 5:00, but showed up a half hour late because I was still trying to finish up. I didn't get it 100% done, (hundreds of strings hanging out all over the place, didn't get the elastic at the bottom in), but I'm pretty proud of myself, and I thought he looked awesome.

We went to our ward's trunk-or-treat activity. This is the first year Brennan "got it" and really enjoyed himself. My parents were there and Brennan frequented their trunk quite a bit. I'm thinking about half his candy is from my Mom... thanks a lot!

The night shots didn't turn out too great, but here's the general idea. Brennan's "moo"ing, and lest you think Brian and I have failed miserably on our diets, I must mention that we're both stuffed. (In Brian's case because the overall's I found at Goodwill for him are about 3X as wide as he is ;-)
Happy Halloween!