"God is the designer of the family. He intended that the greatest of happiness, the most satisfying aspects of life, the deepest joys should come in our associations together and our concerns one for another as fathers and mothers and children." -Gordon B. Hinckley. "What God Hath Joined Together," Ensign, May 1991.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Some recent stuff
Brennan has been doing pretty good with the potty-training, plus we're about to run out of nice days before the fall/winter/spring rainy season. Soooo, I got Brennan his promised bike. It wasn't my first choice color/style-wise, but I went with the one on clearence. (Normally all the bikes run $80 and up, this one rang up at $35. A steal for sure, which is my favorite price, after free of course.) Anyway, he L-O-V-E-S it! From Wednesday thru Friday the kids and I stayed at a beachhouse with our friends, and although Brennan had a blast there, he mentioned several times that he wanted to go home to ride his new bike.
Asher turned 8 months old yesterday. He makes me and Brian laugh the way he's constantly on us. I had to get some pictures today when Brian was attempting to work on the church bulletin/program for tomorrow, but finding it difficult because Asher was trying to grab the mouse, among other things. Later, as I tried to make dinner, besides that when I'm standing in one spot Asher is using me to also stand, every time I bent down to get something from a cupboard Asher was immediately on me again, and I couldn't get back up myself without finding a way to help him gently down (all the while trying to juggle the item I'd bent down to get to begin with). It's cute to boot, though admittedly gets a little old when you're just trying to cook.
I'm attaching some video shot mostly today, plus one from a week or so ago. It includes Asher doing a little cruising & crawling. I came upon Brennan today encouraging Asher to climb up the stairs (uh, not a good idea Brennan. Asher did make it up two stairs at my parent's house already). Then, I couldn't help but try to record some of Brennan playing with his dollhouse. I wasn't recording at first, but much of the conversation his characters were having was so funny.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
New Arrival
But in all seriousness, we're pretty excited about this recent purchase from craigslist. I'm just not resigned to the idea of these extra lbs from each baby sticking to me forever. Ever notice that I don't usually post pictures of myself on here? Those extra lbs are the reason. Brennan loves to have his turn. Last night I exercised while he was up, so when I finished he took a turn for a few minutes, then joined me on the floor and mimicked my stretches. It was the cutest thing EVER!
And yes, he is wearing his backpack. (Much of the last several days in fact) and yes his pockets are inside out, his shirt's on backwards, and his clothes clash. When I get up in the mornings these days I'm finding him already dressed. Why not, I say... saves me the hassle.
Asher is standing pretty good now. The last two mornings he's been standing in his crib when I've gone to get him up. It's a pretty funny sight actually - I hear Brennan and get up, open their door, and see Brennan dressed in who knows what, sitting on his bed playing quietly with his toys, while Asher's standing in his crib just watching him. I have no idea how long this goes on before I actually wake up... but I'm certainly not complaining.
Friday, September 5, 2008
So, he's not cruising yet because he can't stay standing on his own, but at the rate he's teaching himself these tricks, I'm sure it's coming much sooner than I originally expected. Yikes!
Pictures of crawling/climbing to come soon, I hope. Although he can crawl all over, he spends much time just sitting - at least he does whevener I pull out the camera. Babies never perform when you actually want them to.