Brennan and I just got back from Grants Pass where we visited my sister Jenny and her children. We had a lot of fun. Brennan spent lots of time playing outside with John and Justin getting nice and grubby. By the end of each day he was totally EXHAUSTED! I think he's going to sleep for the next week straight.
About a week before we left my friend Angie called to see if Brennan and I wanted to accompany her and her two children on a trip to Grants Pass. It was a total coincidence that I was already going by Jenny's invitation the same weekend! So, I carpooled with Angie. Her daughter Clara is Brennan's age and they are the best of friends. (Brennan learned to say "Clara" about the same time he finally learned to say "Mama.") They had fun together in the car for the 3 hour commutes, and were surprisingly good for us Moms.
It sure is nice to be home though. I really missed Brian those 4 days.